Trips & Pictures
Crocker Point Snowcamping (Sierra Club), 3-5 Mar 2007
Crocker Point Snowcamping (Sierra Club), 3-5 Mar 2007(Click on pictures for full-size image)The weather on this trip made up for last year's Lassen trip - clear and quite warm, with a bright full moon the first night. I'd never been to Dewey or Crocker Point, and can't recommend them more highly - they are much closer than Glacier Point in winter, and quite stunning.En route to Crocker Point
... with a few snowballs thrown along the way ...
A brief stop near Dewey Point
Sunset at Crocker Point
Sun's gone, time to get cooking!
Mark making Strawberry Flambe (thanks to Jim Meador for the picture!)
Moonlight shots of/from Crocker Point
The big dipper (top middle)
Dawn looking east from Crocker Point
The "Pippi Longstocking" hat ;)
We didn't carry the sleds in for nothing!
A day hike out to Stanford Point
Jim & Ron's "snow condo"
Another evening relaxing at Crocker Point
The second evening we amused ourselves by building a large (multi-story, 3-candle!) snow lantern, which glowed quite impressively ...
... and became quite a canvas for idle artistic hands.
Another beautiful dawn, and day!
The lantern survived to the next day (the candles burned out some time late in the night), but in a somewhat distressed state! (pretty melted, with multiple holes melted through)
The view from Dewey Point (on the way out)
(Didn't quite get there on time in the first one! :)
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Snoozybears.org Trips & Pictures Crocker Point Snowcamping (Sierra Club), 3-5 Mar 2007 |